Step Into Your New Life In Christ
Baptism is such an incredible step to take! Here at Dare to Imagine Church, we view baptism as the ultimate expression of our love and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. And did you know – Jesus Himself was baptized! Pretty cool, right? So when you decide to get baptized, you're actually walking in Jesus' footsteps. If you're ready to begin an exciting new chapter in your life, then sign-up for baptism today!

What is Baptism?
Baptism is an external celebration of an internal transformation in your life. After welcoming Jesus as your personal savior, baptism is a beautiful opportunity to showcase your rejuvenated spirit and connection with Him. More than just a step, baptism marks the beginning of an exhilarating new chapter with Jesus Christ.
A Personal Baptism Story
Andre shares his story of why he decided to follow Jesus Christ
We get baptized for two reasons: 1) we are following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and 2) Jesus told us to do so!
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus set the example by being baptized Himself (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9). By being baptized, we publicly declare our love for Jesus and our commitment to a new life with Him, turning away from our old life of sin.
If you’re wondering about the best time to be baptized, the answer is simple. For anyone who chooses to follow Jesus and commits their life to Him, baptism is the natural next step.
Once you’ve committed your life to following Jesus, you’re ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12).
If you’ve been faithfully following Jesus for years or received a baptism as an infant, we understand that you might not have had the chance to express your faith in Jesus Christ as an adult or experience baptism through full immersion. We warmly encourage you to take that next step!
According to the Bible, baptisms were performed through immersion, just like Jesus was baptized by being fully immersed in water and rising from it (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10). Going under the water symbolizes our death to sin and the old ways of life, while coming out of the water represents the new beginning Jesus offers us (Romans 6:3-5). Embrace this wonderful opportunity for a new beginning!
If you have already been baptized by immersion after making the decision to follow Jesus, there is no need for another baptism. However, if you have never been baptized as an adult after personally choosing to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, we warmly invite you to take your next meaningful step of being baptized.
As parents, we can guide our children towards Jesus, but the decision to dedicate their lives to Him is ultimately theirs.
“Believe in your heart and say with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and you will find salvation.” – Romans 10:9
Here at Dare to Imagine, we encourage kids to make a personal choice to follow Jesus and grasp the essence of baptism. For children in the 8th grade or below, we’d love to have a deeper conversation to make sure they’re fully prepared for this significant and joyous step in their spiritual path!
At Dare to Imagine, we hold baptism worship experiences in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Register HERE.
When registration is open for baptisms, you can sign up and a baptism team member will contact you and explain your next steps.